
The power of a Woman's Dark Moon

Your unique time to rest ( and listen )

When a woman chooses to honour her dark moon - the sacred pause before menstruation begins - she is not only reclaiming her ancient wisdom that “modern” society has attempted to erase in its mission to de-value the feminine. She is also honouring her own autonomy of her body. Her cycle. Her experience and the vitals needs of her unique feminine system.

This day is not merely a day of rest; it is a revolutionary act of self-sovereignty. In these quiet hours, when your body whispers its need to turn inward, you are claiming the permission for yourself to step away from the relentless demand of productivity and into the deeper current of your own cyclical nature.

This my love, is when your intuition speaks most clearly, (especially as you are about to have DMT running through your cervix when you begin to bleed ) when your body prepares for its monthly renewal, and when your energy naturally draws back like the tide before the new moon.

To take this time is your declaration that your womanly cyclical body is not a burden to be overcome, but a source of power to be honoured. When you rest during your dark moon, you are not just preventing exhaustion - you are actively resourcing from the power of your feminine wisdom. You are boldly stepping out of the linear, masculine energy that dominates our culture and into your own sacred timing. This isn't about asking for permission or apologizing for your needs. It's about recognizing that your monthly retreat is as natural and necessary as the earth's seasons, the moon's phases, and the ocean's tides.

The entire human race was created inside of a woman’s womb.

The world exists because she exists.

Take the day my love, for humanity's sake.

The ripples of this choice extend far beyond your unique personal wellbeing.

When a woman fully embodies this practice, she becomes a living permission slip for others to honour their own rhythms. Her radical self-care disrupts the narrative that women must perpetually sacrifice their needs for others. Instead, it demonstrates that by deeply nourishing ourselves, we become more present, more powerful, and more capable of caring for those around us. A woman who honours her dark moon isn't being selfish - she's modelling what it looks like to be in right relationship with her body's wisdom, creating a new paradigm of feminine leadership that benefits everyone in her sphere.

I created a dark moon diary prompt especially for you. In this free PDF I share what I do on my dark moon and give you two pages of prompts that support the cyclic nature of death, ideas, fruition and letting go.

Download your gift copy here 🌑

I have also created a juicy bundle aptly named “She The Oracle” An intimate journey into the mysteries of feminine cycles.

When a woman governs her life through her cycle’s wisdom, she becomes an oracle of profound knowing. When her partner understands this rhythm, their relationship transforms from mundane to magical.

This offering is only $47 and includes a PDF for “HIM” also where your partner can understand the four energies of your cycle.

You can purchase that here.

My love.

It is your body..your rules.

And you are governed by the moon..not the sun.

A major component of my 1:1 coaching begins with this divine step. Honouring who YOU are as a woman. A woman’s libido is intrinsically connected to her ability to listen to her body, rest when required and enjoy her turn on from the deep nourishment of her unique self care. Our bodies are not mens bodies.

Our hormones are not the same.

Our physical needs are not like theirs…

If this email is a sign for you to take the steps to becoming more autonomous in how you experience your needs for your sensual and sexual life, then I have a few openings for 1:1 clients to begin this month. Book your discovery call here

I look forward to meeting and supporting you.

This is your birthright my love. 💋