Last week my manager and his gorgeous wife had a wild idea.
He was booked to speak at a men’s online summit on the weekend and asked me to make a video for the men that he would show during his talk.
When I woke on Sunday morning my phone was blowing up with messages about how amazing it went and that there were even tears shed by some of the men.
So I thought I would share it here for all of you.
We are all here trying our best to walk one another home in a society that is hell bent on keeping us separate from one another, exhausted and stretched to the max so that the only thing we are focused on is “scaling our businesses”.
What about scaling our joy? Our happiness? Our depth in relationships?
What is the point on scaling to millions if all you are doing is managing that beast?
What is the point of scaling to immense wealth and you wake up to realize that the person you are with is someone you truly don’t know would actually be with you if it all fell apart because along the way money and deals had been the priority, not the cultivating of personal wealth in understanding, sex-ploration, absolute joy and internal happiness?
What is the point of having the shiny head turning car when the woman who sits in the passenger seat is unable to experience deep life changing, bed shaking, neighbour complaining orgasms that change her skin, how she looks and cracks her heart so fucking wide open that she can barely talk for hours afterwards?
If you want to just push through and lie to yourself that success means you can buy top shelf. liquor to fill the emptiness, that surface level conversations allow you to take the easy road and that if she is making noises that sound like an orgasm within 20 min then you must be “doing a good job”.
If a man needs to ask his woman if she came, it is damn obvious she did not.
If you are not having an internal negotiation wether to close the windows or invest in sound proof installation so that the neighbours don’t give you side-way glances as you mow your lawn each weekend, then honey, I need to let you know, she is not well fucked.
And the top secret to scaling your business is having a well fucked woman. Sexual energy is creative energy. The secrets of how the universe, sex and money co create are well hidden and used in the places of power such as the Vatican ( another story for another time ). Meantime you have been had, lied to and manipulated in order for you to think that sex is not that important. ( if it was not so important then why does the P0rn Industry estimates a global annual revenue between $97 billion and $100 billion? )
But …..
You can change all of that by joining us inside of Man In Control.
My all mens group program is not just about a few tricks to wank better.
It is a 6 week program that truly gives you the tools to know how to masturbate in ways that builds your stamina, your power, your trust worthiness when it comes to women and makes you more money as your partner or lover becomes more and more well fucked. Even if you are single it works.
It also supports you to win your Jujitsu heats ( as per my recent client Matt experienced just within three weeks of us working together ).
You were born for greatness, not this mediocracy ho hum of existence of constant ground hog days, dissatisfying relationships, and accumulated exhaustion and shame as porn becomes the only insidious outlet for your arousal.
Join us to actually create the change that you want in your life when it comes to your sex and intimacy.
We start Tuesday March 4th
Always with Pleasure
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