Something so deep is happening within me.
It is like a simmering fire that began with a small amount of tinder about a decade ago. Then when I moved into re-genopause and my body stopped bleeding every month, it was like I woke up with the flames licking at my feet.
It was like ever bit of truth that had me nervous, unsure if I could speak about it, how to speak about it and unsure if I could deal with the punishment if I did - just became clear.
It kind of feels like I woke up one day and felt, “Oh - I just don’t give a fuck really” In all the places I was concerned, I am just not.”
And now that i can't reproduce more consuming minions for the hungry beast of the industrialized project, I am also ignored a little more. Not just a little a lot. You know the drill. Older lady. Apparently has no idea about life..her wisdom was DHL ‘ed off somewhere…
Which I kind of like a lot. As it is quieter over here.
More peaceful.
More space.
It is a wonderful thing that I would recommend to EVERY woman.
So gorgeous one,
Let me tell you something—just by purely existing, you are fucking phenomenal. And if you exist outside the system and actually make the decision to love yourself, you are a radical, revolutionary threat to the patriarchal power that has tried to contain women for centuries.
Just think about that for a moment.
Truly loving yourself allows you to detach from the multi Billion dollar industry created just to keep women in the belief they are not good enough.
It is quite the thing.
Cutting bodies.
Filling flesh.
Removing skin.
Reshaping labia’s…. I mean ….
Then there is the way boys are raised, bullied and coerced to believe human emotions are weak, annoying and crazy, so they can grow up and be-little their female partners for it ( for basically being human ), let alone dismissing the actual need for men to cultivate the necessary powerful emptiness required for him to be present with those who birthed their children, who birthed them and birthed the nation..
It is all rather ludicrous.
Insanely ridiculous, yet the all very common unspoken law in religions, government and households. - The feminine is dirty, inconvenient, unintelligent, crazy, unstable and not to be believed.
Do you ever wonder why women have up to a fourfold increase in risk for autoimmune disease compared to men?
I do.
All the time.
I peel back the layers of our masculine project led world that has women forcing themselves every single day to fit into a square box in order to “stay safe” whilst they are the beautiful round universe itself.
You see the world does not fear a woman who follows the rules.
They fear a woman who trusts herself so deeply that she no longer needs them.
A woman who doesn’t look outside for validation, permission, or proof of her worth. A woman who knows her body is hers alone—her pleasure, her voice, her power, undeniable and untamed.
That’s why the work I do is not just about intimacy, or sexuality, or relationships. It’s about liberation. True freedom in your system.
When you reclaim your body, you reclaim your voice.
When you reclaim your voice, you reclaim your truth.
And when you reclaim your truth, the world shifts beneath your feet.
Because a woman who remembers herself cannot be owned.
She doesn’t shrink.
She doesn’t wait to be chosen.
She doesn’t barter for love, safety, or space.
She takes up space. She softens into herself. She lets life move through her, for her, with her—because she is no longer gripping for control. She is no longer playing by their rules.
This is why they fear a woman in her full radiance. A woman who surrenders to herself first—before surrendering to love, to a partner, to anything else.
And this is what I want for you.
To return home to yourself—to the wild, unshakable, undeniable force that was always yours.
And this is why I created Surrender to do exactly that.
This Saturday March 1st at 3 pm EET.
Because my love, you are the revolution.
Join us HERE.
Always with Pleasure
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